How to get here


Para chegar na pousada é possível ir de carro por São Luís ou avião até Barreirinhas.

De Barreirinhas a Atins você pode ir de carro 4×4 ou barco.

Transfer Options

You arrive at São Luís – Marechal Cunha Machado international airport. The trip to Barreirinhas can be made by car, smaller plane or helicopter. Companies that offer this service: By car – Atins Dunas Tour et Coopérative de Taxi By plane – AVA

The path from São Luis to Barreirinhas can be done by private or shared car. The trip takes approximately 3h30.

Atins Dunas Tour and Taxi Cooperative

The arrival at Atins from Barreirinhas can be done by car or by boat, private or shared. This trip takes around 1h15.
Reserva Agora ×

Reservar Agora